FO parade, part 1.
First up, Noro. Kureyon Sock.
I don't really like this yarn. The colours are great, that's true, and the rawness... but the thick-and-thin nature is too uneven for my taste. I made these gloves last spring as a photography accessory, really, but haven't used them yet. I used some generic mitt pattern, and knitted these on 2.25mm needles.
I had lots of leftover yarn, and as I was in need of an instant gratification (that must have been sometime last spring), I saw this pattern, and I must have had it. Celestine by berocco.
I made it smaller, using less stitches as a base of each "spike", but otherwise followed the pattern. It's a cool toy, by the way, and I am imagining it in a much larger scale already... Huge spikes, pillow-like...